JO-CREWSnet is working wtih BRAC to develop an evidence-based approach to agricultural adaptation delivered through an adaptation clinic program. Adaptaion clinics are designed to share regional information on climate change and support services to empower communities to increase their resilience.
Problem Statement
Climate change continues to alter the agricultural landscape in southwest Bangladesh, and farmers, technologists, and policymakers require advanced guidance and capabilities for future adaptation decisions.
We are proactively modeling the most pertinent climate phenomena (e.g., heat; precipitation; salinity intrusion; and cyclone-driven winds and flooding) to project future climate trends, and integrating these results together to assess possible effects on agricultural and economic systems.
We are focused on producing informed guidance for
- farmers, on likely trends that may affect their lives and livelihoods,
- technologists, on agricultural capability gaps where new technical advancements may be needed, and
- policymakers and decisionmakers, on region- and nation-level planning.